There are many possible signs of abuse, ranging from physical injury to changes in behaviour. Alternatively you may witness an incident or the child may tell you that he/she is being harmed.
We take child protection very seriously and will always respond to concerns raised about a child who may be at risk of suffering harm.
Contact us
If you are worried about the welfare or safety of a child it is very important that you contact us.
- Monday to Sunday (24 hours): 01942 828300
Professionals can report concerns using:
What to say
Explain exactly what you have seen or been told. If you can, keep a note of dates, injuries and the exact words used.
Other contacts
As well as speaking to us, you can also contact:
- Police: 0161 872 5050 or 999 in an emergency
- Parentline Plus: 0808 8002 222
- NSPCC: 0808 8005 000
Support services
We also have a number of support services available to young people (aged 0-19) and their families.
The family help service can provide:
- Support for those who are experiencing issues around school attendance, teenage pregnancy, unemployment, drugs and alcohol usage, housing, health and child poverty
- Practical help to deal with problems
- Support to get involved in positive activities
- Help to learning providers to improve standards and reduce barriers for children in learning and reaching their full potential.
The Children with Disability Service:
- Undertakes assessments for families with children with significant disabilities
- Gives advice and guidance in regards to clubs, groups or services or for those whose needs cannot be met elsewhere, a range of services are available including home care, day care, sitting and overnight stay facilities.