A580 / Mosley Common Road FAQs

What is the scheme and what works are involved?

The scheme will deliver two left turn lanes at the junction of A580 East Lancashire Road and Mosley Common Road, to assist with traffic flow.

One will enable vehicles to turn from the A580 into Mosley Common Road and the other turning from Mosley Common Road onto the A580 (Manchester-bound) to improve capacity and reduce congestion along this busy route.

New pedestrian and cycle crossings will be built, to make the route safer and encourage all modes of travel.Salford Council have completed a scheme on the other arms of this junction, including new crossing points. 

How are the works funded?

As a result of new and ongoing development in the area, the scheme is funded by housing developer contributions.

What is happening on site at the moment and what are the timescales for the main work?

Utility diversions (such as water, gas and internet cables) will start on site before the end of the year, and residents have been notified of the upcoming works via letter. During this time, each company will be responsible for their own traffic management and will display an information board including works duration, contact details for any emergencies out of hours.

We thank residents in advance for their patience and understanding whilst these minimal and temporary works are completed, in advance of the main construction works.

Once complete, regular updates including letters and website updates will follow, to confirm key dates of the main works, including traffic management and contractor details.

We anticipate the main construction works will start in early 2025, with an estimated 21-week construction programme.

What benefits will the scheme bring?

  • Reducing congestion - By increasing the capacity on the existing road network, this will run more efficiently, and journey times will be improved. There will also be complementary benefits for public transport
  • Greater public safety - With safer places to cross, it will be easier for pedestrians to cross this busy junction.

The improvements will support planned development growth at key locations in the Mosley Common neighbourhood and support the local economy.

Will I still be able to access my home/ business during the works and after the scheme is complete?

Yes, homes and businesses will remain accessible throughout the works. Access and exit routes to property/business entrances will ultimately remain the same once the works are complete. The existing dropped kerbs will be moved slightly, to make space for the new lane, and the blue lines on the Mosley Common Road works map shows this.

Business open as usual signs will be in place to signpost and support during construction phase.

How will disruption be minimised?

During construction, traffic management techniques will be in place to minimise the impact on road users. Whilst this is still to be confirmed, similar techniques to Salford's scheme would be anticipated.

Who can I contact with any questions?

Our website is regularly updated with the most up to date information on the scheme. This will continue throughout progression of the scheme and starting on site.

If you have any questions or require any further information, The Team can be contacted at majorprojects@wigan.gov.uk.

Once a contractor is appointed, details of the site manager will also be available for any day-to-day queries or assistance.

How have residents been engaged with?

Those residents who are directly affected by the scheme have been written to via a letter.

Will pedestrians be safe with the narrowing of the pavement?

All pavement widths will meet design standards for pedestrian safety. The proposed changes have been subject to independent road safety audits and no concerns regarding pavement width have been raised.

At what point will the left turn lane commence prior to the petrol station?

The left turn lane from the A580 into Mosley Common Road will start to the east of the entrance to the petrol station.

What environmental assessment has been conducted in relation to the amount of grass being removed?

As the amount of grass verge being removed is small, an environmental assessment is not required. The junction improvements will contribute to both the council’s objectives of providing a ‘well connected place and ‘an environment to be proud of. In addition to congestion relief, this will build on active travel links across community borders between Wigan and Salford. The reduction in the grass verge is required in this instance to allow for us to complete the improvements to provide these benefits.

Why was this work not completed at the same time of the previous work at the same junction?

The works to install pedestrian facilities at this junction were completed by Salford Council.   Wigan Council’s works consist of adding left-turn lanes to the A580 and Mosley Common Road to increase capacity for traffic and reduce congestion. The works could not be undertaken at the same time due to differing funding programmes and approvals timescales.  A small proportion of the work undertaken by Salford Council will be amended by Wigan Council to accommodate the left turn lanes.

Is work to take place during anti-social hours?

No works are currently envisaged during anti-social hours.  Sunday working may be required for the final road surfacing. More information will be made available once a contractor is confirmed.

Where will vehicles be parked during works?

A site compound, for the storage of plant, materials and staff vehicles, has not yet been confirmed but this will be chosen to minimise impacts on residents.

What impact assessment has been made in regard to any hazardous materials and gases during excavation?

No hazardous material has been identified during development of the pre-construction health and safety plan. Should unexpected hazardous materials be uncovered during the construction works, the contractor will employ suitable measures to manage and dispose of these materials. The contractor will be required to apply industry standard health and safety techniques to minimise dust, such as using water sprays when using circular saws.

Are there any expected changes to utilities, if so, what are they and can local residents be assured that at no point power, gas, or water will be unavailable?

Utility diversions (such as water, electricity and communications cables) will start on site before the end of the year. These works are managed by the utility companies and, in the unlikely event of any issues, they should be reported to them via the contact details on their websites.


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