Junction Improvements

We are improving the junctions in our borough to improve capacity and safety for pedestrians and cyclists.

Section 106 Schemes

The Major Projects Team have received Section 106 funding to create safer junctions for all users, improve traffic flow and encourage more active travel.

Below is a list of schemes the team will be developing throughout the year. This page will be updated regularly as more information and plans become available to share.

Junction Improvement Schemes - A580

Wigan Council have received funding to create additional capacity at a number of junctions and improve pedestrian crossing facilities on the A580 East Lancashire Road, in Golborne, Lowton and Mosley Common. Three junction upgrades have been selected, with additional lanes proposed to improve congestion, traffic flow and safety benefits, and to encourage more active travel along this busy corridor.

Further development and preparatory works are currently being undertaken across all three sites in order to prepare them, ready to construct the upgrades. With further detail and key dates to follow, the page will be regularly updated as more information and plans become available to share.

A580 / Mosley Common Road - Junction Improvements

Wigan Council are delivering a scheme to improve the junction of the A580 / Mosley Common Road, including additional traffic lanes and new pedestrian and cycle crossings.

Eric Wright Civil Engineering are the contractors who will be completing the work. Construction is programmed to start week commencing 14th April 2025 for approximately 14 weeks.

Temporary traffic management will be required during construction, and this will change depending on works location. Traffic management contact details will be displayed and should be contacted in an emergency or problems out of hours.

For 11 weeks of construction, it is proposed to temporarily close the section of Mosley Common Road between Ashdown Drive and the A580 East Lancashire Road. Access to properties and businesses within the closure will be maintained. 

The A580 East Lancashire Road will remain open during construction, with lane closures planned to be used between 10:30am-16:30am and removed daily. Short overnight closures of the A580 will be required at the end of the scheme to complete the final surfacing. Ample notice will be provided.

View our frequently asked questions.

For more information about Salford’s completed phase of upgrade, please visit:

A580 / Stone Cross Lane North - Junction Improvements

Wigan Council are developing a scheme which will create an additional right turn lane from Stone Cross Lane North onto the A580 East Lancashire Road (Liverpool bound). The scheme will include upgrading the crossing facilities to Toucan crossings, this means “two can” cross safely. This will provide a vital, safe walking, wheeling and cycling connection between Stone Cross Lane South, across the A580 to Stone Cross Lane North.

A580 / Newton Road - Junction Improvements

Wigan Council are developing a scheme to create a dedicated left turn lane at the junction of Newton Road and the A580 East Lancashire Road. Designs have been developed to facilitate the new left turn lane, whilst minimising impact to residents on the adjacent service road. As part of the scheme, pedestrian crossing points will be upgraded and repositioned to provide safer travel across this main arterial route.


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