Houses in Multiple Occupation Supplementary Planning Document

Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) are properties that are rented out by at least three people who are not from one household but share facilities such as a bathroom and kitchen.

The Houses in Multiple Occupation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) has been produced to better manage the provision of HMOs, improve the standards of accommodation provided and reduce detrimental impacts on neighbours.

The SPD was adopted by the Council in March 2022 following public consultation. It is an important material consideration in the determination of planning applications for HMOs. It is applicable throughout the borough when planning permission is required.

View HMOs in Wigan on a map. The ‘Properties within a distance’ tool on the map allows users to draw a buffer around an application property to help assess the concentration of HMOs within the vicinity. However, this mapping may not be an exhaustive record of all HMOs in an area and further investigation may be necessary as part of the planning application process in response to new or updated information about the presence of HMOs in a locality.

Article 4 Direction - Changes to Houses in Multiple Occupation

In 2020 an article 4 direction that removes permitted development rights for changes of use from individual dwelling houses to small houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) came into effect in Swinley and Central Leigh.


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