Do I need to apply for a landlord licence?

You will need a licence to rent our your property if it is to be used as a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO).

You are NOT  required to have a landlord licence and there is no other registering process, if your property is not to be rented out as an HMO.

What is a House in Multiple Occupation licence?

If your property is a building or flat in which three people from two or more households share a basic amenity, such as bathroom, toilet or cooking facilities, you must apply for a licence from Wigan Council. Failure to obtain a licence could result in a fine of up to £30,000 or prosecution.

What about selective licensing?

Selective licensing is normally introduced by councils to make sure properties in a designated area are managed properly and have a positive impact on the neighbourhood.

Wigan Council DO NOT currently operate a selective licensing scheme in any part of Wigan Borough. 

Becoming a landlord - do you know the rules?

The first thing people often think about when looking to rent out their property is how much rent they can charge and whether that amount covers any mortgage or loans secured on the property.

Many overlook the rules and responsibilities that come with being a private landlord, which is why we've created a simple guide to help you meet your obligations and avoid common mistakes.

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