Report a missed bin

Before you report a missed bin → 

Check out our list of missed streets - If your street is on our list then you do not need to report your missed bin. Just leave your bin out at its usual collection point and we will collect it as soon as possible.

We update the missed streets list at 5pm every collection day, so please check the list after 5pm, before reporting a missed bin.

Please help us improve our service by numbering your bins.

What to do about a missed bin

If your bin has not been collected on your scheduled collection day, and your street is not recorded on the missed streets list, you can report it as missed. You must do so within 48 hours of your collection day and after 8pm on the collection day itself (when the crews have completed their rounds).

Do NOT report a missed bin if:

  • You did not put your bin out before 6.30am on your scheduled collection day (see our guidance on putting your bins out)
  • Your bin contains incorrect materials or is too heavy (please see the sticker on your bin). You must remove any incorrect materials or heavy items from your bin for your next scheduled collection or we will not be able to empty it.

You can complete our online form to report a missed bin.

Reporting a missed collection for properties with shared bins

If you are reporting a missed collection for a property with shared bins please complete the Report a missed collection at a shared property form to report the issue to waste services.

What happens next?

Once you've submitted your missed bin request online, you will receive a successful submission message and a confirmation email of your report.

If you don’t receive either, it is likely that you were prevented from completing the report as you were not within the required timeframe.

You will need to put your bin out from the following Monday before 6:30am and we will return to collect it one of the days that week.

Why your bin wasn't collected

There can be a number of reasons why your bin wasn't collected, including:

  • Contaminated bins
  • Blocked access
  • Vehicle breakdown
  • Adverse weather conditions
  • Unforeseen circumstances.

List of missed streets

Below is a list of streets where bin collections have been missed. These bins will be collected as soon as possible, including Saturday if necessary. 

We update the missed streets list at 5pm every collection day, so please check the list after 5pm, before reporting a missed bin.

If your street is listed below, you do not need to report a missed bin. Please leave your bin at your usual bin collection point and we will aim to return as soon as possible.

If your street is not listed below and you've checked the list after 5pm on your collection day, see what to do about a missed bin.


© Wigan Council