
Currently under review

Please note that this page is currently under review, please contact the Neurodevelopment team on 0300 707 1446 or alternatively email for more information.

The Autism Pathway and Service work with schools, teachers and parents to help support children with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC).

We offer advice, support, training and development for both parents and professionals and co-ordinate a panel of experts to diagnose the condition.

What we do

  • Make a diagnosis of ASC by bringing together experts from various agencies to assess your child
  • Give information about the local and national services and support available to you and how to access them
  • Help your family to identify and address your needs
  • Offer emotional support and a point of contact for you
  • Provide information specific to your child’s condition
  • Provide training for families.

Getting our help

If you think your child may have Autism you will need to visit your GP or paediatrician in order to get a referral to our service.


We offer training designed for parents and carers whose child has a diagnosis of ASC. All training will be offered to parents post diagnosis by the autism pathway manager.

Other support

My child has been referred to the Autism Pathway and Service - what does this mean?

This means that a professional who knows your child has some concerns about their social communication skills. Your child may have difficulties with change or new situations or unusual or challenging behaviour. Not all children go on to be diagnosed with Autism but if they do we will help you get access to services and support. Try not to worry we will support you through the process.

What happens then?

We will look at all the information provided from different professionals and maybe even organise some observation or assessments like observing your child’s skills during play. The assessment might include an interview and maybe a home visit where we can ask relevant questions.

How long does it take from referral to completing the assessments?

It’s usually about 6-8 months but this will depend on the complexities of the case and whether we might need other agencies to see your child and provide information.

What happens if my child is NOT diagnosed with ASC?

This means there was not enough evidence to suggest that your child has ASC or that their difficulties are due to something else. A re-referral can be made at a later date if more information becomes available.

Useful resources

Guides and advice specifically for children with Autism:


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