If your child (0-19 years) is diagnosed with hearing loss and/or visual impairment, the Specialist Sensory Education Team (SSET) can help by providing support at home or in nurseries and schools.
We can help by providing:
- Hearing and vision support teachers
- Multi-sensory impairment teacher
- Touch typing skills teacher
- Sensory support specialists
- Sign language communication specialist
- Visual impairment mobility, independence and habilitation specialist
What we do
We work with families, nurseries, mainstream and special schools to:
- Provide advice and training
- Provide support specific to your child’s needs
- Carry out assessments of listening, language development and Functional Visual Assessments
- Advise on and monitor specialist equipment
- Liaise with health professionals including audiologists and ophthalmologists
- Liaise with colleagues in the Early Intervention and Prevention Service (including educational psychologists), Wigan Council and voluntary groups
- Provide specialist advice to the special educational needs and disability (SEND) team.
Getting our help
- If you have concerns about your child’s hearing or vision contact your family doctor or ask the school to inform the school nurse
- Medical professionals can make a referral to SSET if there is a hearing loss and/or visual impairment that could affect a child’s access to learning. Parents must always give permission before SSET can provide support.
Useful websites