How to get support if you're a carer

We recognise and value the vital role carers play, and we want to help you feel supported so you can continue caring for as long as you feel able. There are many ways that you can find support across our borough, and we have put together some top tips in the following video to help you.

Having a discussion about your needs as a carer

You may find it easier to continue in your caring role if you can find the support that is right for you as early as possible. You might be wondering what support is available and where to start. All adult carers of adults over the age of 18, have the opportunity to discuss your caring role as well as the support and services that could help you.

We are not here to assess your ability to be a carer but to discuss how caring impacts you and to consider aspects such as:

  • What you can do to remain fit and well
  • If you need support or advice with socialising and connecting with others
  • If you work or volunteer or wish to in the future
  • Education and training opportunities
  • Your physical and emotional needs
  • Whether you are able and willing to continue with your caring role and how you could be supported.

What happens next?

A range of information, advice and support will be offered, including:

  • Signposting to services and organisations that could support you
  • Information on activities that may help you
  • Advice on welfare and benefits
  • Advice on training and education opportunities
  • If appropriate, you may be offered a personal budget to support you as a carer. This is an allocation of monies to support you in your role and can be used in a variety of ways

How to make a request

Wigan Council work in partnership with Wigan and Leigh Carers Centre who offer a range of advice, information and support to carers of all ages across the Wigan and Leigh borough.

If you'd like a discussion about what services and support is available, you can:

We also work in partnership with Mytime Wigan (external link) to support carers across the Wigan and Leigh Borough to take time for themselves.  By signing up to Mytime, carers will have the opportunity to take a break from their caring role with complimentary leisure, cultural and educational activities. Experiences include overnight stays, afternoon tea, restaurant meals, sporting events, days out and relaxation therapies. 

Financial support and advice

If you care for someone, you or the person you care for may be entitled to welfare and benefit support. For information and advice on financial support, check out the following services:

Health and wellbeing support

Caring can be very rewarding, but it also makes demands on your time, your health and your emotions, and can be tiring. So, taking an occasional break from caring is important - it gives you the chance to recharge your batteries and look after your physical and mental health.

  • Respite and breaks (external link) - Wigan and Leigh Carers Centre offer a range of activities to help carers get a break from their caring role. Call 01942 697885 or email
  • Befriending, counselling and group services (external link) - Wigan and Leigh Carers Centre offer a befriending service to carers. As a carer, you'll gain support from a volunteer who is fully trained and can offer a listening ear. Call 01942 697885 or email
  • Download the managing unpaid carer mental health and wellbeing toolkit (external link) - Unpaid carers don’t always have an employer or manager to provide support, and so the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) have developed a short, 2-page toolkit specifically for unpaid carers, highlighting key resources to help them.
  • Help and advice for carers from Carers UK (external link) - Supportive online groups, a forum where you can connect with other carers, regular online wellbeing chats and a free online wellbeing course
  • Carers Emergency Card from WLCC (external link) - Carers Emergency Cards are issued to all registered carers in Wigan. It may help you to identify as a carer. It's also used to alert people that the person with the card is supporting a vulnerable person. To apply for a card call 01942 697885 or email
  • Get a Be Well Card - You will need a Be Well card to take part in any activity at our 7 leisure centres in the borough. A Be Well +1 card allows free admission for carers who are supporting a person who needs additional help and assistance when using the swimming pool or gym, and offers a reduced rate for classes when you are with the person you care for or if you attend alone. Carers can also receive a monthly membership discount using their Wigan Carers emergency card from Wigan and Leigh Carers centre
  • Self-care - My Health, My Way - An online self-care hub for those living with long term conditions and their carers, providing knowledge, information and skills to improve wellbeing
  • Qwell (external link) - Free, digital mental wellbeing support.

Want to know more?

To find out more about the key services and organisations that support carers, you can visit:


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