MyAccount - Housing Benefits help

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Our old MyAccount was switched off on 31st March 2021.

Please sign up to a new MyAccount now to continue to view your Council Tax and Housing Benefit accounts and report environmental issues.

Please register for Housing Online to view your Housing Rents account.

Registrar services are available through the Births, Marriages and Deaths webpages.

All non-resident services are available directly on our website.

If any of the information shown is incorrect, you must tell us immediately. You must also tell us about any changes before or as soon as they happen to avoid being overpaid.

If you are paid more benefit than you are entitled to, you will probably have to pay it back.

Frequently asked questions

How can I find my claim reference number?

Your reference number is printed on letters that we have sent to you about your Housing Benefit claim. It is 7 digits long and starts with a 0 or 1.

If you do not have your reference number you can contact the Housing Benefits team and we can send you a letter through the post.

How do I find my National Insurance number?

National Insurance numbers are issued by HM Revenues and Customs.

Your National Insurance number can be found on your wage slips or any letter from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), Tax Credit Award letters, or the Jobcentre.

How has my claim been calculated?

Once you have logged in to MyAccount and registered your Housing Benefits claim, select 'Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction' from the 'manage your accounts' section. On your claim summary you can then select 'How your claim has been calculated'.

What are the key terms?

  • Disregards - There are certain incomes that we do not include when we calculate your benefit
  • Non Dependants - These are adults over the age of 18, other than a partner, who live with you but who you do not receive Child Benefit for
  • BACS - BACS is a transfer of money paid directly into your bank account (or your landlords bank account if appropriate).

Calculation summary

Net Income is the amount of weekly income you have told us you and/or your partner receive. It can include wages, DWP benefits, Tax Credits and private pensions.

Please note your income will display as £0.00 if you are in receipt of:

  • Jobseekers Allowance (income based)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (income related)
  • Income Support
  • Guaranteed Pension Credit.

Applicable Amount is the amount of money the Government says you and your family need to live on. We use it to help calculate how much Housing Benefit your family needs. Your Applicable Amount depends on your circumstances and the people that live with you. Your Housing Benefit award will be affected if your income is higher than your Applicable Amount.

Excess Income is the difference between the Net Income you and your family receive and your Applicable Amount (the amount the Government says you and your family need to live on).

Housing Benefit calculation details

  • Weekly Eligible Rent - This is the amount of your weekly rent that we use to assess your entitlement to Housing Benefit, which can be affected by the Spare Room Subsidy (sometimes known as Bedroom Tax) for social housing tenants or Local Housing Allowance for private tenants. See Benefits to find out more.
  • Weekly non dependant deductions - Your Housing Benefit entitlement may be reduced if you have other adults living with you that you don’t receive Child Benefit for and are not your partner. This is known as a non dependant deduction and depends on the gross weekly income of the non dependant.
  • 65% Excess Income calculation - If your Net Income is higher than your Applicable Amount (the amount the Government says you need to live on) your weekly Housing Benefit (minus any non dependant deductions) will be worked out by taking 65% of your Excess Income from your Weekly Eligible Rent amount.
  • Your weekly Housing Benefits award - The amount of Housing Benefit you have been awarded to help you pay your rent.

Council Tax Reduction calculation details

  • Your weekly Council Tax Liability - This is the full amount of weekly Council Tax due before any Council Tax Reduction award has been applied
  • Your weekly Council Tax Reduction - This is the amount of Council Tax Reduction you have been awarded to help you pay your bill.

Your income and details

This area of MyAccount shows the income details for each member of your household.

Please check the details on this screen to ensure we have the correct information about adults that live with you and their income.

I have forgotten my MyAccount password

If you have registered for MyAccount and have forgotten your password, you can reset your own password. You will be asked to enter your email address.


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