There are a range of organisations you can get in touch with to help you improve your mental health and wellbeing. Support is available for:
Do you need to talk to someone right now?
If you're having thoughts of suicide or are feeling overwhelmed by harmful thoughts and feelings, it is important you speak to someone as soon as possible.
There is help available to you.
Telling someone can make you feel more supported and less alone.
- Mental Health Urgent Help- If you need to talk to someone urgently about your mental health, or are concerned about a loved one, call NHS 111 and select option 2 to be placed in direct contact with a mental health professional in your area. Or contact 0800 953 0285, or 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Helpline | Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS FT (external link)
- The Samaritans- 116123 (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
- Papyrus UK Suicide Prevention- Prevention of young suicide (external link). Are you, or is a young person you know, not coping with life? For confidential suicide prevention advice contact HOPELINE247. Call 0800 068 4141, or text 88247 (Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
- Book an emergency appointment with your doctor
- Visit your nearest A&E department or call 999 for life threatening emergencies.
Our Wigan Borough communities are home to a rich and wide range of groups and activities supporting good mental health and wellbeing. To find out more try our Padlet.
Mental Wellbeing Support (external link).
If you are new to Padlet, imagine it as a digital sticky-note on a webpage. Scroll across your screen to find more columns. Scroll down under each column to see all the entries.
Organisations for adultsOrganisation |
Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (external link)
Description of support |
Wigan’s local mental health trust delivers in patient and community service.
Contact |
0161 773 9121
Mental Health Link Workers - GM Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (external link)
Description of support |
Mental health link workers have huge knowledge of mental health services and the resources available locally to assist your mental health needs.
Contact |
01942 764 429
referral from your doctor (GP)
Wigan Talking Therapies, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS FT (external link)
Description of support |
Wigan Talking Therapies offer free NHS therapy for people registered with a Wigan GP with common mental health problems like anxiety or low mood, to help you change the way you feel or think.
Contact |
01942 764 450
complete a self referral form (external link)
Making Space - Psychological Wellbeing, Warrington and Wigan (external link) |
Description of support |
Psychological Wellbeing Service offering support for those who are struggling with mild to moderate common mental health conditions. The support is free, tailored to the needs of the individual.
Contact |
01925 581 755
complete a self referral form (external link)
Samaritans, Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy, Here to listen (external link) |
Description of support |
Whatever you are going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We are here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Contact |
116 123
Qwell (external link)
Description of support |
Free, safe and anonymous mental wellbeing support for adults across the UK. It provides a variety of anonymous support for people including online messaging, personal development tools and drop in (and booked) chat sessions to receive professional support.
Contact | Qwell (external link) |
Shining a Light on Suicide (external link)
Description of support |
We’re bringing suicide out of the dark in Greater Manchester because it affects us all. Whether you’re feeling suicidal, worried someone else is, or have lost someone to suicide, you’re not alone. Whatever you’re going through, we’ll help you get the advice and support you need.
Contact | Shining a Light on Suicide (external link) |
Mind (external link)
Description of support |
National charity providing advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.
Contact |
0300 123 3393
Organisations for adults
Organisation | Description of support | Contact |
Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (external link)
Wigan’s local mental health trust delivers in patient and community service.
0161 773 9121
Mental Health Link Workers - GM Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (external link)
Mental health link workers have huge knowledge of mental health services and the resources available locally to assist your mental health needs.
01942 764 429
referral from your doctor (GP)
Wigan Talking Therapies, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS FT (external link)
Wigan Talking Therapies offer free NHS therapy for people registered with a Wigan GP with common mental health problems like anxiety or low mood, to help you change the way you feel or think.
01942 764 450
complete a self referral form (external link)
Making Space - Psychological Wellbeing, Warrington and Wigan (external link) |
Psychological Wellbeing Service offering support for those who are struggling with mild to moderate common mental health conditions. The support is free, tailored to the needs of the individual.
01925 581 755
complete a self referral form (external link)
Samaritans, Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy, Here to listen (external link) |
Whatever you are going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We are here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
116 123
Qwell (external link)
Free, safe and anonymous mental wellbeing support for adults across the UK. It provides a variety of anonymous support for people including online messaging, personal development tools and drop in (and booked) chat sessions to receive professional support.
Qwell (external link) |
Shining a Light on Suicide (external link)
We’re bringing suicide out of the dark in Greater Manchester because it affects us all. Whether you’re feeling suicidal, worried someone else is, or have lost someone to suicide, you’re not alone. Whatever you’re going through, we’ll help you get the advice and support you need.
Shining a Light on Suicide (external link) |
Mind (external link)
National charity providing advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.
0300 123 3393
Bereavement support
Support for bereavementsOrganisation |
Bereavement support (external link)
Description of support |
Agencies and services available to help and support those who have experienced bereavement.
Contact |
See bereavement support (external link)
Greater Manchester Bereavement Service (external link) |
Description of support |
Greater Manchester Bereavement Service can help to find support for anyone in Greater Manchester that has been bereaved or affected by a death. No one needs to feel alone as they deal with their grief.
Contact |
0161 983 0902
SOBS (external link)
Description of support |
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS) is a support group for those who have been affected by a loss through someone taking their own life.
A Wigan SOBS group is now up and running and meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month, 7pm start.
Contact |
0300 111 5065
9am-9pm every day
or for the local Wigan group:
call: 07943 934 411
Men's mental health
Older people
Support for older peopleOrganisation |
Wigan Borough Age UK (external link)
Description of support |
Committed to providing advice and support, enabling independence and combatting loneliness in older people.
Contact |
01942 615880
Pensioner's Link (external link)
Description of support |
Provides daily activities, friendship, counselling and support for older people who feel isolated, improving confidence and positive mental wellbeing.
Contact |
01942 261753
The Silver Line (external link)
Description of support |
Friendship and advice to older people. FREE confidential helpline.
Contact |
0800 470 8090
Support for older people
Organisation | Description of support | Contact |
Wigan Borough Age UK (external link)
Committed to providing advice and support, enabling independence and combatting loneliness in older people.
01942 615880
Pensioner's Link (external link)
Provides daily activities, friendship, counselling and support for older people who feel isolated, improving confidence and positive mental wellbeing.
01942 261753
The Silver Line (external link)
Friendship and advice to older people. FREE confidential helpline.
0800 470 8090
Relationship support
Support for relationshipsOrganisation |
TalkFirst (external link)
Description of support |
Mediation service to help people who are experiencing conflict and having trouble communicating effectively about the issues at hand.
Contact |
01942 243620
07462 607023
email: TalkFirst
Relationship counselling marriage care (external link)
Description of support |
Specialists in helping couples build and sustain strong, fulfilling, healthy relationships and provide support in times of relationship difficulty. Based at The Grange Centre, Highfield Grange Avenue, Wigan, WN3 6GH.
Contact |
0800 389 3801
Relate (external link)
Description of support |
Offers advice, relationship counselling, sex therapy, workshops, mediation, consultations and support face-to-face, by phone and through their website.
Contact |
0300 330 5793
Family Hubs (external link) |
Description of support |
Family Hubs are a new way of bringing together all the support a family may need, from pregnancy through to young people turning 19 (or 25 if they have a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND).
These services will work together to provide high quality support for the whole family, so that children, young people, and families will get the right help at the right time.
Contact |
Family Hubs (external link)
Family Refugee Support Project (external link)
Description of support |
Support for the mental and emotional wellbeing of migrants and refugees.
Contact | See Family Refugee Support Project (external link) |
Support for relationships
Organisation | Description of support | Contact |
TalkFirst (external link)
Mediation service to help people who are experiencing conflict and having trouble communicating effectively about the issues at hand.
01942 243620
07462 607023
email: TalkFirst
Relationship counselling marriage care (external link)
Specialists in helping couples build and sustain strong, fulfilling, healthy relationships and provide support in times of relationship difficulty. Based at The Grange Centre, Highfield Grange Avenue, Wigan, WN3 6GH.
0800 389 3801
Relate (external link)
Offers advice, relationship counselling, sex therapy, workshops, mediation, consultations and support face-to-face, by phone and through their website.
0300 330 5793
Family Hubs (external link) |
Family Hubs are a new way of bringing together all the support a family may need, from pregnancy through to young people turning 19 (or 25 if they have a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND).
These services will work together to provide high quality support for the whole family, so that children, young people, and families will get the right help at the right time.
Family Hubs (external link)
Family Refugee Support Project (external link)
Support for the mental and emotional wellbeing of migrants and refugees.
See Family Refugee Support Project (external link) |
Young people
Do you know what is available to support young people in Wigan?
Find out from our Padlets:
Support for young peopleOrganisation |
24/7 mental health crisis line
Description of support |
If you’re feeling overwhelmed with emotional stress and anxiety, please don’t suffer in silence. You can talk to someone anytime of the day or night on the mental health crisis line.
Contact |
0800 953 0285
NHS 111 (option 2)
Papyrus UK Suicide Prevention, Prevention of Young Suicide (external link) |
Description of support |
Are you, or is a young person you know, not coping with life?
FREE and confidential suicide prevention advice available 24/7.
Contact |
HOPEline: 0800 068 4141
text: 88247
Kooth (external link)
Description of support |
Free online counselling for 11-18 year olds, chat forums and self-help information.
Contact |
Kooth (external link)
Support for young people
Organisation | Description of support | Contact |
24/7 mental health crisis line
If you’re feeling overwhelmed with emotional stress and anxiety, please don’t suffer in silence. You can talk to someone anytime of the day or night on the mental health crisis line.
0800 953 0285
NHS 111 (option 2)
Papyrus UK Suicide Prevention, Prevention of Young Suicide (external link) |
Are you, or is a young person you know, not coping with life?
FREE and confidential suicide prevention advice available 24/7.
HOPEline: 0800 068 4141
text: 88247
Kooth (external link)
Free online counselling for 11-18 year olds, chat forums and self-help information.
Kooth (external link)