Main roles and responsibilities of the portfolio
- To govern the delivery of the Progress with Unity missions and council plan
- To fulfil the role of Lead Member of Children’s Services (LMCS) as obligated under Section 19 of the Children Act 2004
- To be responsible for the safeguarding of vulnerable children and young people so that they feel safe and protected and that their welfare is promoted
- To promote Corporate Parenting across the council and the wider partnership so everyone understands their role in this agenda
- To champion positive outcomes for and engagement with young people
- To drive forward the Community Wealth Building approach including growing local, ethical suppliers in the care market
Priorities for 2024/2025
Implementation of the council’s delivery of our ‘Progress with Unity’ borough missions. As residents, businesses, public services and community organisations of this borough we have come together to deliver two key missions:
Mission 1: Create fair opportunities for all children, families, residents and businesses
“Together, we will break down the barriers that create financial, health, education and environmental inequalities in our borough.”
Mission 2: Make all our towns and neighbourhoods flourish for those who live and work in them
“Together, in genuine partnership with our residents and businesses, who know our community best, we will help each town and neighbourhood in the borough celebrate and maintain their identity whilst understanding and helping to achieve what is needed to thrive.”
- Provide political support and challenge to the Directorate to ensure the necessary improvements are made in a timely manner to Children’s Social Care and that the conditions for good social work practice to flourish are in place
- Promote the local vision for Children and Young People in Wigan
- Ensure Elected Member representation at the Children and Young People’s Board and provide challenge at this Board
- Provide political leadership to ensure continued development of creative solutions to the challenges of increased demand for children’s services.
- Politically lead our corporate parenting responsibilities for looked after children ensuring all elected members participate in effectively supporting the children in our care and care leavers
- Ensure the Wigan Education Partnership and SEND Partnership Board works effectively with the Healthier Wigan Partnership so that our delivery and commissioning improves outcomes for young people across the borough.
Functions covered by the portfolio
For those in the age range 0-19:
- Learning and attainment
- Care and inclusion
- Early Help services / Family Hub Development
- Engagement with children and young people
- School leadership and management
- Looked after children
- Wigan Safeguarding Children Partnership and Corporate Parenting Board
- Special Educational needs and disability
- Early Years
- Governor services
- Youth participation
- Youth service
- Youth offending
- Children’s’ Centres and Startwell
- School Catering
- School Crossing Patrols
- Home to School Transport.
Council Appointments
- Astley Green Colliery Liaison Panel
- Corporate Parenting Group
- Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)
- University of Manchester General Assembly
- Wigan College Board.