Lead member for Greener Wigan.
Main linked Directorate(s)
Reports to the Portfolio Holder for:
- Planning, Environmental Services and Transport.
Main roles and responsibilities of the Lead Member
- To support the delivery of the Deal 2030 priorities and pledges in the Wigan Council Recovery Plan
- To champion, promote and support the delivery of the outcomes of our Climate Change Strategy
- To support our Community Wealth Building approach including supporting the development of low-carbon and more sustainable supply chains.
Priorities for 2023/2024
- Support with the implementation of the key priorities set out in our Deal 2030 - Our Place, Our People, Our Future
- Support with the delivery of the outcomes of our Climate Change Strategy including:
- Improving the borough’s air quality
- Reduce the council’s overall carbon footprint
- Enhance and protect the borough’s natural habitats
- Support Cabinet Member for Environment to deliver Greenheart strategy to include Environmental volunteering, Promotion and education, Greener Futures, Borough in Bloom, Biodiversity, Parks and Greenspaces, Tree Preservation Orders and Support the council’s Eco Schools programme.
Functions covered by the Lead Member
- Environmental promotion and education
- Carbon reduction/sustainability
- Air quality
- Greener futures
- Green Transport
- Biodiversity.
Council Appointments
- GMCA Overview & Scrutiny Committee
- Transport for the North Audit and Governance Committee
- Transport for the North – Scrutiny Committee
- Clean Air Charging Authorities Committee - Substitute Member
- Air Quality Administration Committee - Substitute MemberAstley
- Green Colliery Liaison Panel.