Executive Leader - David Molyneux MBE

Executive Leader - David MolyneuxExecutive Leader and Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration.

Main roles and responsibilities of the portfolio

  • To govern the delivery of the Deal 2030 priorities and pledges in the Wigan Council Recovery Plan
  • To be responsible for policy direction, finance, partnership working including external relations within Greater Manchester and at national level
  • To ensure that the council maintains a healthy budget that allows us to invest in Wigan Borough while maintaining council service delivery
  • To support the delivery of our Climate Change Strategy, including providing cleaner air, safer and greener transportation across the borough and quality housing
  • To drive forward the Community Wealth Building approach, including providing opportunities for residents to seek employment, education, and skills opportunities locally
  • To be responsible for the performance of Cabinet members and of Lead members.

Main responsibilities of the portfolio, Economic Development and Regeneration

  • To be responsible for planning, transportation, delivery of future housing, infrastructure, economic development and skills, and green infrastructure needs
  • To make the borough a more prosperous and attractive place to live by taking advantage of Wigan’s key strategic location between the M6 and the M61, and on the west coast mainline
  • To engage with local businesses at the heart of the Wigan economy to ensure they are supported as we regenerate out town and district centres
  • To work with key partners in the private and public sectors to secure inward investment making Wigan a more diverse economy and allowing us to market Wigan as a key partner in Greater Manchester and the wider region
  • To support our residents so they can meet any future economic challenges that prevent them from living happy healthy lives.

Priorities for 2023/2024

Implementation of the key priorities set out in our Deal 2030 - Our Place, Our People, Our Future.

To be developed through the Deal 2030:

  • Growing and diversifying the economy through the implementation of the economic vision
  • The growth and regeneration of our town and district centres
  • Delivery of strategic transport infrastructure to improve accessibility to and within the borough
  • Delivery of a high quality and diverse housing offer to meet the needs of existing and future residents
  • Ensuring that skills provision meets the needs of both residents and businesses, now and in future.

Functions covered by the portfolio

The Leader’s role cuts across all functions of the Council:

  • Investing in Wigan
  • Economic Development
  • Place Regeneration
  • Transport Plan and Strategy
  • Youth Unemployment
  • Skills Strategy/Apprenticeships.
  • Business Retention/Creation
  • Business Rates generation/retention
  • Job retention/creation
  • Major projects
  • Visitor Economy
  • Town Centre Events
  • Digital Infrastructure
  • Mayoral.

Council Appointments

  • Greater Manchester Combined Authority
  • Integrated Care Partnership
  • AGMA Executive Board
  • Draft Joint Development Plan – Places for Everyone Committee
  • Halle
  • General Assembly
  • Special Interest Group for Metropolitan Authorities (SIGOMA)
  • Leigh Sports Village Ltd
  • Manchester Airport Group PLC (shareholders representative)
  • National Association of British Market Authorities.

If you have any questions, you can contact The Leader on 01942 827001.


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