About the Cabinet

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What is the Cabinet?

The Cabinet, also known as the Executive, is the main policy-making body of the Council and carries out Council functions that are not the responsibility of any other part of the Council, whether by law or under the constitution. It consists of an Executive Leader together with at least 2, but no more than 9, Councillors appointed by the Executive Leader.

At Wigan, the Cabinet (Executive) consists of eight senior Councillors who are each ‘Portfolio Holders’ for a major area of responsibility.

The Leader will maintain a list, setting out which individual Cabinet members are responsible for particular functions.

From May 2024, the Executive Leader has decided that seven Lead members will support the Cabinet members and attend Cabinet meetings.

In accordance with the Local Government Acts 1972 and 2000, they will not have decision-making powers in their own right.

See below names of portfolios of the eight Cabinet members and seven Lead members.

Cabinet members 2024/25

  • David Molyneux MBE - Executive Leader, Portfolio holder for Economic Development and Regeneration
  • Keith Cunliffe - Deputy Leader, Portfolio holder for Adult Social Care
  • Paul Prescott - Portfolio holder for Planning, Environmental Services and Transport
  • Jenny Bullen - Portfolio holder for Children and Families
  • Nazia Rehman - Portfolio holder for Finance, Resources and Transformation
  • Susan Gambles - Portfolio holder for Housing and Welfare
  • Chris Ready - Portfolio holder for Communities and Neighbourhoods
  • Dane Anderton - Portfolio holder for Police, Crime and Civil Contingencies.

Lead members 2024/25

If you have any further questions, you can contact the Cabinet Office on 01942 827744.


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